Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I love Michael!

You may think I am wierd but I absolutely love Michael McLean! I took Madison to the Forgotten Carols last week and I haven't been in a couple of years and it was awesome. If you have never seen the production it is definately one to take time for - it really starts the Christmas season out with the right attitude! Angie - a friend of mine in High School got me started with Michael McLean and his awesome songs got me through some pretty rough times during those high school years and even today hearing some of them will bring tears to my eyes from some good and bad memories. It was fun to explain the story to Madison behind all the different carols - we went with a bunch of the girl cousins, sister-in-laws and Grandma Ellen - it was a great night!

We love our Elli!

I thought this was a fun story to share and will be fun to look back on for me - it was one of those moments that you see your kids individual personalities shine through!
To preface the story I should let you know that Thanksgiving Day was the last day for "sippies" at our house - they have been put away in a box "to save for the baby"! (Elli was a big lover of the sippy and has actually done better than I thought with them going bye-bye). We were out to dinner the other night at Panda Express and we were each reading our fortunes and Elli's fortune said "Star light, star bright your wish will come true tonight." Well a few minutes later Elli squeezed her eyes shut tight and said "Star light, star bright I wish I had my sippie!" I don't think I have laughed that hard in quite a while. "Thanks Elli for keeping life interesting!"