Sunday, November 22, 2009

Halloween '09

A vampire, a Jedi, a ballerina and a pumpkin, oh my!

Connor's Blessing Day

Ok - so I have to back track a little bit - Connor, one day your mom will be up to date on this whole journaling/blogging thing...but until then we do what we can.

Connor Briggs McDougal was blessed by his Dad on August 2, 2009. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and Connor was surrounded by his Grandpas and uncles. It was a beautiful blessing, one of the things from the blessing that stood out to me (and made me laugh a little at my awesome husband) is that he blessed Connor to always be a strong example to those around him, that due to his "special traits" he would stand out to his friends and that he should work hard at making good decisions.
Connor we love you and are so glad that you are part of our crazy family - you have already brought so much joy into our lives. Your continuous smiling, giggling and awesome red hair light up our house.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Goodbye to a special Grandma

When a loved one passes away it really makes you stop and think how fast time was just the other day that me and all the cousins were riding three wheelers and jumping on the tramp at Grandma Afton's house. Today was Grandma's funeral, she passed away on Monday, September 21, 2009 after a long 3 year fight that the Dr's said would be one year. It was a beautiful Fall day, the service was wonderful...cousin Ashley, myself and a close neighbor spoke. Ashley and I were asked to speak of our memories of Grandma, it was fun to look back and think of the good times we have all had...some mentioned were... Grandma's love of flowers, her cooking talent, indian corn and gourds, shopping and lunch at The Lion House with her and mom, afternoon "dinners" on the back porch, Christmas Eve gatherings with her apple pie, St George trips, lunches at Tasties and many more fun times. It was nice to be with all the cousins and catch up on each other's lives and reminisce of past times. I am worried about Grandpa being alone now after the two of them being together for the past 65 years ... I hope James and I will be so blessed to have each other for so long. We love you Grandma!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our Crazy Elli!

Why does it seem that our children that can drive us the most crazy can also make us laugh the hardest!?
The other night we went out to dinner with the kids for James' birthday and while we were sitting waiting for our food, Elli took her play cell phone out of the diaper bag and said to me..."excuse me Mom, I have to take a call." We were dying...where does she come from?

Then just this morning, I was trying to get Elli to pick up the Polly Pocket/Barbie/Littlest Pet shop explosion in three different rooms that we do at least 5 times a day (no joke). Like usual I was getting frustrated with her "slowness" and lack of focus until I sat back and just watched for a minute... I love how little kids can make anything into a game and with Elli that also always includes making up songs and singing them. How much happier I bet I would be if I made all my chores into a game ... our little ones definitely have the right idea!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Madi's !0th Birthday!

Madi's Favorite Gift
How crazy is it that we now have a 10 year old - It may sound like a cliche, but where has the time gone, I can't believe that my little Madison Linda is 10years old. She is turning into a beautiful, sweet, fun "big" girl! She loves to be with her friends, loves to get Mom to take her shopping (even to "just look"), she loves playing with her new baby brother and loves to be the big sister and babysit while Mom runs to the store for a quick errand! Madison is a wonderful student and her favorite subjects are art and reading. She loves clogging and playing soccer and is doing awesome with her piano lessons even if she doesn't like to practice! Madi - Dad and I are so proud of the good girl that you are and love the laughter and happiness you bring into our family.

So for Madi's birthday this year she got to go out to ice cream with Grandma and Grandpa Gallacher, who also gave her a new beaded watch band for her watch (that we wear everyday now) and or course some new clothes for 5th grade. The next day on her actual birthday she chose to Chili's to go out to dinner with the fam and Grandma and Grandpa McDougal. Mom and Dad gave her a new ipod and more clothes and Grandma and Grandpa gave her Itunes gift cards so she can download her favorite music to her ipod. She thinks she is quite the little teeny bopper with her earphones always in her ears - we have already had to have the discussion about no earphones while we are sitting at the table with the fam!
Then of Friday night it was the "friends" party - the girls had Pizza, did some crafting with buckets, mod podge and paper. They had ice cream cake, opened presents, watched a movie and of course did a lot of running, jumping, laughing and screaming. Madi had a great 10th birthday!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Robby's Birthday

Robby's "R" Birthday cake

Like father like son

For anyone out there who might read this - just bear with me in my backtracking a little - I am trying to catch up a little on my journaling.
Robby turned 7 in May and this was his year for a family party so he decided he wanted to go to Chuck e Cheese's for dinner - the kids had a great time, especially Robby and Dad - what a team! Robby is quickly learning to beat his father at video games. We did this family party before Connor was born due to the fact that Robby's birthday is only a week after Connor was born. But we saved opening presents and having cake and ice cream until his actual birthday. Robby got Star Wars - The Last Saga for the Wii, a super soaker and a basketball hoop - so far his favorite have definately been the Star Wars game and the super soaker! Robby also went with his Dad and 2 of his friends and played Laser Tag - he said it was "awesome"!
Robby's favorite things to do right now is play any type of electronic game - the Wii, the computer or his game boy. He also loves to play outside with his friends (once you can drag him away from the Wii or computer) - - it is so fun to watch them and the games they make up - it almost always involves guns or swords(what is that all about - boys can turn anything into a gun or sword!) He loves to play soccer - he and Madi attended a Soccer camp this summer and loved it - he is looking forward to soccer starting in the Fall, especially since James will be coaching his team again. Robby - You are awesome - I love your smile and your laugh - Happy Birthday!

McDougal Family Vacation 2009

With the birth of 2 new babies and one more on the way very soon - we all decided to do a "staycation" this summer. We decided to have a family campout in Brad and Tammy's backyard and so some of the local fun stuff. So we started our adventure at "This is the Place" Park and had a great time. It was plenty warm with the temp in the high 90's but the kids had a great time touring the old pioneer houses and shops, riding the train, doing plenty of crafts, petting all the animals and riding the horses. We had a great picnic under the shade trees and had plenty of popsicles to keep us cooled off.
After a full day of pioneer adventures - we headed back to Uncle Brad's house for a BBQ, movie watching under the stars, marshmallow roasting and campout. The next morning we began with a big breakfast and then packed everything up and headed to Grandma's for a day of swimming. We all had a great time - the kids loved sleeping outside under the stars and being with all of their cousins!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Latest of the McDougal Clan!

8lbs 13 oz. 21 inches

Connor Briggs May 20, 2009 1:45pm

I am a little behind but that's what happens after #4 is born!

I am so glad that our little guy is here safe and sound - I was so nervous this time - but he is healthy and strong with a head full of red hair! I am not really up on my genetics lessons - but what are the chances of having 2 little red heads from non-red head parents - crazy - we just hope that he is a little bit calmer than Elli! Connor was born by c-section and all went good except having to wait around all morning to go to the hospital and then wait some more for the Docs.
The kids were so excited to come and see him - and the girls still think that he needs there constant attention. Robby likes to talk to him for a minute and give him a hug and then he is good to go do his own thing. Madi has been a great helper and loves to hold and feed him whenever she can - she has even changed a few wet diapers (won't go near the poopy ones!)
Life has definately been crazy since he was born - and it is amazing how quickly you remember the constant exhaustion of having a newborn but with each additional child you get fewer and fewer chances to nap with the baby! There were plenty of sleepless nights and many crying moments for baby and Mom, but 2 months later we are starting to feel a small bit of normal. We usually only have one night feeding now and have made some store runs with all the kids.
I would suggest to anyone out there to not do a 4 year spread between babies - we were definately in a comfort zone and have been dealt a huge dose of baby reality again! But with that said - now that he is here, we can't imagine our family without him!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Fun with the cousins

Before the Bissendens left for their new life in Washington - we had lots of fun hanging out with all the cousins. We were able to go to the Zoo on a beautiful sunny day and see all the animals.
We also spent the day at the movies and the park before they left. We really miss having them close (Robby especially is missing Josh at the family gatherings - too many girls) . We wish them the best of luck in their new home and hope to be able to go and visit soon!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Way to Go Madi!!

Madi did awesome at her first clogging competition of this year in Pocatello. She got 1st place in her solo freestyle and her team also got 1st place in their team dance called "clumsy"!

She has just moved up to this new intermediate team this year and has had to work very hard to catch up with the new and more difficult steps - Way to go Madi - we are so proud of you!

It is always so fun as parents to watch your kids do something that they love and have fun doing - mom has decided that clogging has come a long ways since her clogging days many years ago - it really is a fun thing to watch!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Elli turns 4!

Wow - I can't believe my baby is 4 years old - it always amazes me how fast time flies by! And lucky Elli - I believe she also got 5 different birthday celebrations. First she got to celebrate with her McDougal cousins which included celebrating cousin Shelby and Olivia's birthday. Then on the weekend of Elli's birthday - our family was in Pocatello for a dance competition for Madison. Elli thought this was great because this meant she got to spend her whole birthday weekend with her friend Halle (our awesome friends the Richards were nice enough to let us stay at their house for the weekend). We had so much fun - besides the competition, we were able to hang out with good friends and we went out for Pizza and then bowling at ISU on Saturday night to celebrate Elli's birthday - the kids had a blast (until about frame 8 and then they were done - small attention span!). Then on Sunday we went to our old ward and had a great time catching up with so many of our old friends and neighbors and then we went back to Richards and "awesome Steph" made Elli's favorite lunch of ham and potatoes and of course Birthday cake -(Thanks, Steph) and we opened presents. It was a great weekend. Then Elli got to celebrate birthday fun again on Monday with cousin Olivia when we met up with their family at good old Chuckie Cheese - the kids played for over 2 hours and loved every minute of it! Then last - she got to have a party with the Gallacher cousins - to celebrate her and cousin Adam's birthday. Sure seems like a lot of celebration for a four year old - but who's counting!
I can't believe how independent and stubborn our little Elli has become. She is very particular on the clothes that she wants to wear each day and they are usually the farthest from what mom would pick. She lately wants everything her way or no way and she is not shy about letting you know this. She has become very clingy to mommy which I don't complain too much about except when it is time to go to primary or preschool. She loves to sing and dance and can make up a song about anything and everything. She always wants to do what Madi and Robby are doing. For how darn stubborn she can be ... she can also be that cute and hilarious- she makes me laugh almost every day - I love you Elli.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Costa Rica Let Down

James and I were so excited to find out that he had won a trip to Costa Rica for being one of the top salesmen for his company last year...until one month before we were supposed to go I was told by my current doctor and my old doctor that I shouldn't go due to where I am at in my pregnancy and the fact that Costa Rica is not known for it's awesome medical facilities and care. I feel a little silly admitting it but I was completely devastated - I became a professional ball baby for the next week(I like to blame this on my lovely erratic pregnancy hormones). So in the end James went to Costa Rica with his Dad and had a great time and I got the awesome privilege of spending a fun-filled week at home with my kids!(But I am not bitter!) I have decided that this baby had better be the best baby yet - good sleeper, great temperament, etc - because he owes his mama!

Ok - I am done venting - James is home now and life is back to normal chaos with 3 months left until even greater McDougal chaos!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Who wants to blog anyway?

I am such a blogger slacker - regardless of being pregnant it seems like life has been crazy lately - but Madi was reading some family and friends blogs over the weekend and informed me that I needed to do a new post - so here goes!
Here are a couple of Christmas pictures (a little late - but humor me, since this is also supposed to be doubling as my family journal). Christmas was great - the kids finally got their "Wii" that they have been asking for since before last Christmas - mom finally gave in and joined the "gaming"world. I am still not sure if it was a good or bad idea. They of course love it but Robby thinks it should be a 24 hr/day event. One good thing with him is no matter what game it is - it is a whole body involvement game! Robby's fave game is Indiana Jones, Madi's is Guitar Hero and Elli's is Mario Kart - never the less, they can all kick mom and dad's butt! Christmas night this year got a little hairy with the winter blizzard that decided to hit Ogden - but Brad and Tammy let us crash at their house and after all the kids were tucked in the adults decided it would be great fun to stay up until 2am and play the Wii -- good times had by all!

In other exciting news... Congrats to James for winning a trip to Costa Rica for being in the top 30 salesman for his company this year! I was also very excited about the trip abroad until about 2 weeks ago I was told by 2 of my doctors that I should not be traveling to far off countries at this point in my pregnancy! So after about a week of crying, screaming and returning all my new capris and warm weather attire - life has gone on and now James and his Dad will be basking in the sun of Costa Rica (I am trying really hard not to be bitter)! Sometimes being pregnant really sucks - but if the baby is healthy, strong and hopefully an awesome sleeper - I will survive!

Thanks to some awesome sister-in-laws and mother-in -law, James and I were able to escape for a weekend without the kids to Salt Lake. It was great and rejuvingating - Thanks to everyone for your help!

Due to some recent events with a close friend of mine - I have to say it has put a lot of things back into perspective and I am so grateful for my many blessings of family and good health and most of all a wonderful family and incredible friends - You are all awesome and I love you!