Friday, September 25, 2009

Goodbye to a special Grandma

When a loved one passes away it really makes you stop and think how fast time was just the other day that me and all the cousins were riding three wheelers and jumping on the tramp at Grandma Afton's house. Today was Grandma's funeral, she passed away on Monday, September 21, 2009 after a long 3 year fight that the Dr's said would be one year. It was a beautiful Fall day, the service was wonderful...cousin Ashley, myself and a close neighbor spoke. Ashley and I were asked to speak of our memories of Grandma, it was fun to look back and think of the good times we have all had...some mentioned were... Grandma's love of flowers, her cooking talent, indian corn and gourds, shopping and lunch at The Lion House with her and mom, afternoon "dinners" on the back porch, Christmas Eve gatherings with her apple pie, St George trips, lunches at Tasties and many more fun times. It was nice to be with all the cousins and catch up on each other's lives and reminisce of past times. I am worried about Grandpa being alone now after the two of them being together for the past 65 years ... I hope James and I will be so blessed to have each other for so long. We love you Grandma!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our Crazy Elli!

Why does it seem that our children that can drive us the most crazy can also make us laugh the hardest!?
The other night we went out to dinner with the kids for James' birthday and while we were sitting waiting for our food, Elli took her play cell phone out of the diaper bag and said to me..."excuse me Mom, I have to take a call." We were dying...where does she come from?

Then just this morning, I was trying to get Elli to pick up the Polly Pocket/Barbie/Littlest Pet shop explosion in three different rooms that we do at least 5 times a day (no joke). Like usual I was getting frustrated with her "slowness" and lack of focus until I sat back and just watched for a minute... I love how little kids can make anything into a game and with Elli that also always includes making up songs and singing them. How much happier I bet I would be if I made all my chores into a game ... our little ones definitely have the right idea!