Friday, September 19, 2008

Can you say "Little Miss Homemaker"!

Ok, so as I was looking back on the past week - I thought to myself, when did I get this old?

First I was called into Young Women's as the Beehive Adviser this past Sunday and as I have started hanging out with these awesome girls I realized that even though it seems just like the other day that I was there age - it was actually many, many days ago!

Then to make me feel even more "maternal" I decided that I was going to tackle the task of canning and freezing this fall. So off to Grandma's for some tomatoes in which I made salsa and canned tomatoes and then thanks to my nice brother in law who was in Perry I was blessed with a bushel of fresh peaches. I am so sick of blanching and peeling produce I could puke... but overall I am very excited at what I accomplished!

Also - for all you fellow BHS graduates out there -- guess who is the mia maid adviser - good old Mrs. Watts from adult roles - she is now a counselor at Bountiful. She is a great lady and great with the girls. Small world!

1st Day of PreSchool For Elli

I can't believe that our little Elli is starting Preschool - she was so excited. Robby and Madi went back to school in August and she has been asking everyday since when she gets to go to school. I should be said that my baby is old enough for preschool but I have to admit that I love the couple of hours of kid free time 2 days a week.

The first day of school she came home and told me that she learned hopscotch and criss-cross applesauce. Yesterday she came home and had gotten the "star" award for sharing the barbies with the other girls during play time ... these are big accomplishments for our little 3 year old! There have been no tears from Elli - she is always ready to go with her back pack on!(usually at 9am and her school doesn't start until 12:30.) We love this crazy little red head!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yea -- Swiss Days!!

Well you know that Fall is officially upon us when the annual Swiss Days Weekend occurs. James keeps commenting that summer is over and he can't believe it -- I will agree that it went so fast this year. But I am always happy to see Swiss Days upon us because it is always so fun to shop till you drop! I was able to browse all the booths with my friend Steph from Pocatello on Friday -- this was her first trip to the hallowed Midway event (she commented to her husband that she would be gone for a couple of hours only - Ha Ha - was she in for a surprise!) But she made some great purchases with my expert advise, of course! On Saturday, my sister in law and mother in law came up and we made the treck again to the booths and of course some shopping had to be done with the fam - Dad and Gayla- which included some good purchases for the new addition to the cabin. However, the newest crazy shopper to the Swiss Days Clan would have to be Madison - I have not seen her that excited for a long time - it was so funny. She has been working hard the last 2 weeks to earn 5 dollars to add to her own 5 dollars to spend at Swiss Days. She then got spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa with a little more money -- so she couldn't wait to shop the day away. She couldn't fall asleep the night before and then she was up by 7am begging me to go "right now"! (What have I created?) Grandma Gayla and Grandpa Bobby walked around with her in the afternoon after I had met up with Steph and Madi loved every minute of it and was so proud to show me all her purchases.

I always love going to Swiss Days and running into so many people that I love and may or may not have seen in a long time. It was a beautiful weekend at the cabin -- lots and lots of fun!