Friday, September 19, 2008

1st Day of PreSchool For Elli

I can't believe that our little Elli is starting Preschool - she was so excited. Robby and Madi went back to school in August and she has been asking everyday since when she gets to go to school. I should be said that my baby is old enough for preschool but I have to admit that I love the couple of hours of kid free time 2 days a week.

The first day of school she came home and told me that she learned hopscotch and criss-cross applesauce. Yesterday she came home and had gotten the "star" award for sharing the barbies with the other girls during play time ... these are big accomplishments for our little 3 year old! There have been no tears from Elli - she is always ready to go with her back pack on!(usually at 9am and her school doesn't start until 12:30.) We love this crazy little red head!